3 July, 2020
Landscape Analysis
UKCDR have launched a survey to explore perceptions of the impact and future priorities of UK-funded research for climate change and international development. It is aimed at those involved in the delivery or use of research for both climate change and international development, including research funders, academics, research delivery partners, regional networks, civil society, policy-makers and NGOs.
We would like to invite you to take part in our survey.
Please also feel free to share this survey with colleagues or contacts who you know have been involved in the delivery or use of research for climate change and international development. We are particularly keen to hear from respondents in LMICs.
The survey takes approximately 10 – 15 minutes.
The deadline for completing the survey is 23:59 BST, Friday 24 July 2020.
If you have any questions or comments about the survey, please contact Laura Scott on L.Scott@ukcdr-wp.s14staging.uk
About UKCDR’s project
This survey is part of a UKCDR project to map and analyse the scope and impact of UK-funded research investments in climate change and international development. The project will provide a baseline to improve coherence and visibility of UK research investments, inform future research priorities, and support the UK’s engagement on the role of research and innovation ahead of COP26 in 2021.